


This page is simply to provide more information on my giveaways.

I post giveaways on all of my social platforms, but mostly on my blog or Facebook page.  I do not put a time limit on my giveaways, unless indicated, but winners are typically drawn weekly. Do to the amount of giveaways I post, I do not allow follow-ups (i.e. emails, messaging etc) if prize is not received. Some of the giveaways are provided by me and some are provided by the publisher. Winner’s information is noted exactly as it’s received.  Neither I nor the publisher is responsible for lost or stolen prize.


Are your giveaways international or US only?

Typically, I do US only giveaways unless it’s an eBook. I tend to purge my bookshelf when I get too many books. International is too costly. However, I do try to have a monthly international giveaway where I use Book Depository as my retailer. If the publisher is hosting the giveaway, they usually do US only.

Why can’t I follow-up if I do not receive my prize?

Here’s a story.  A long time ago, a fan emailed me to let me know she never got her signed book. This was provided by the author. I follow-up with the author and the author told me she would handle it. Three months later, I got another email from the fan, stating they never got the book. This happened two more times over the course of six months and I finally provided the fan the author’s email so she could handle it. I do not like to provide author’s or publisher’s emails, it’s a confidentially thing to me. I also handle too many prizes to keep track. I would have to do a spreadsheet and at that point, it takes away from my reading and reviewing. All of my disclaimers are noted on my giveaways and not following up with me is one of the stipulations.

What is mandatory when I enter a giveaway?

I usually post what I would like on the giveaways. Depending on who is providing the giveaway I will be specific. If an author is providing it, I would like the fan to like his or her Facebook page, but usually when I host a giveaway I prefer the fan to be one of my followers, since I am providing a prize out of pocket. No purchase is necessary for any of my giveaways.

Why is there only a 24 hour window to claim a prize?

I like to contact winners one at a time. So when the winner does claim a prize, I know which one it pertains too. Sometimes I have up to three giveaways and it can take some time to notify and respond to messages. Also, most people check emails and Facebook daily.   I also don’t want a winner to contact me months later (which has happened) to claim a prize that might not be in my possession anymore.

How often do you provide giveaways?

I tend to have several giveaways a week, but there can be slow weeks and only one will be posted. I like to do paperback giveaways because as I said, I like to purge my bookshelf.  I do eBook giveaways and those are through Amazon, so they are kindle books.

When should I get my prize?

I usually send ePrizes, like Kindle books and gift cards within 48 hours.  I try to mail paperbacks once a month, but I can hold them in my house up to three months.  Publishers usually send them out within a few weeks within publication date.  Authors send books at various times.